Outer Island Renewable Energy Project

The Tonga Outer Island Renewable Energy Project (OIREP) will construct Solar Photovoltaic (PV) power plants on 8 outer islands. The “on-grid” portion will be allocated to Ha’apai and ‘Eua, while the “off-grid” portion will incorporate ‘Uiha, Nomuka, Ha’ano, Ha’afeva, as well as Niuatoputapu and Niuafo’ou. 
The main objectives of this project are to help reduce the Kingdom’s heavy reliance on imported fossil fuels for power generation while also increasing electricity accessibility for new users. The total installed capacity will be 1.3MWp.
The project will supply secure, environmentally sustainable energy to homes, schools, and other public facilities, on these islands. It will quantify the solar resource and facilitate the integration of recurrent renewable energy with a conventional diesel grid. The Project will also build the capability of TPL and Energy Division (ED) in the operation and maintenance of renewable technologies.

Our Projects

  • Solar Power

Construction and installation of solar power systems with a total capacity of 1.32 MWp on 9 outer islands of Tonga.


  • On-grid: connecting solar photovoltaic generators to existing electricity distribution networks (0.2MWp on ‘Eua, 0.55 MWp on Ha’apai, and repair program on Vava’u)
  • Mini-Grid: connecting solar photovoltaic generators to existing community owned and community managed electrical mini-grids including service lines on four Ha’apai outer islands (100 kWp on ‘Uhiha, 70kWp on Nomuka, 70kWp on Ha’ano, and 150 kWp on Ha’afeva)
  • Off-Grid: expanding existing SHS capacity 0.3 MWp SHS in Niuafo’ou and connecting 0.15MWp solar power system to a newly installed distribution system (mini-grid) on Niuatoputapu;


  • Grid Rehabilitation

o    Upgrade to ‘Eua & Vava’u: Upgrading of existing power distribution networks completely on ‘Eua and by 50% on Vava’u

  • Operation and maintenance knowledge transfer training

o    A manual for solar electric equipment is finalized. Knowledge of solar electric and hybrid equipment is transferred during 5 years after commissioning of systems.

  • Efficient and effective project implementation and management

o    The project will provide consulting services through the appointment of the PMC. The team will comprose an electrical engineer to as project manager, a solar technical expert to act as a field engineer, a financial and procurement specialist, and a safeguards specialist. The team will conduct capacity building training for 5 years after the systems are commissioned. 

Project Funding

ADB = US$2 million
DFAT = US$4.5 million
Govt of Tonga = US$300,000
TOTAL OIREP Funding = US$6.8 million

Contact Details

General Media Enquiries: Mr. Johnny Lilis , OIREP Project Manager, Phone: 
Project Complaints: Mr. Hikaione Muli, Safeguard Specialist, Phone: