Tonga Power Limited is continuously expanding its Renewable Energy Portfolio, through the introduction of solar generation and most recently Tonga’s first ever large scaled wind generation system in Niutoua. 

Our RE Projects

Tonga Power alongside the government of Tonga has invested in providing a sustainable power supply for the Kingdom of Tonga through donor funded renewable energy projects to achieve the governments energy goals. Our main source of renewable energy is currently from solar generation and wind generation, but we are also looking into other renewable energy sources that are reliable and sustainable here in Tonga. 

Independent Power Producer 

We currently have a fully functioning Independent Power Producer solar system from Singyes Solar, with a capacity of 2MW. Singyes owns, generates and maintains this solar plant. Once power is generated, Tonga Power only purchases power generated by Singyes at a lower rate then oil prices. We currently have an upcoming 6MWIPP Solar Project from Sunergise NZ, targeted to be completed mid-2021.

Commercial Solar

If you’re planning on installing your own small-scale solar distribution system, there are a few things to consider before installing and distributing electricity. The downloadable forms below will enable us to understand your solar generation system.
This SDG Agreement form also offers you and Tonga Power the connection and operation standards to comply with to ensure the environment we work in is safe before connecting your generation to our distribution network.  Outlined in the agreement are our access rights, metering requirements, pricing and ways to resolving disagreements during the generation connection process. 

Tonga Power Renewable Energy Portfolio

Project Name  Status In Service  Location Capacity
Tonga Power Owned        
Maama Mai Completed 2012 Popua, Tongatapu 1.32 MW
Mata ‘o e La’a Completed 2015 Vaini, Tongatapu 1 MW
La’a Lahi Completed 2013 Neiafu, Vava’u 420kW
Ha Masani Completed 2016 Ha’apai 550kW
Huelo ‘o e Funga Fonua Completed 2012 ‘Eua 200kW
      Total Owned 3.5MW
Independent Power Producer        
Singyes Solar Completed 2011 Matatoa, Tongatapu 2MW
6MW IPP Solar In Progress 2011 Fualu, Liukava, Fahefa 6MW
      Total Power Purchase 8MW
SDG Solar        
Commercial       42 
      Total SDG Solar 42
Tonga Power Owned        
Ii ‘o Manumataongo In Progress 2018   1.3MW
      Total Wind 1.3MW